Toxin Treatments
We simply aim to gently restore the facial appearance and undo the effects of natural ageing.
Our goal is for strangers in the street to be unaware that you have had any facial treatments and simply to underestimate your age.
Click on photos below for more details
Important information:
Above are a description of a number of our injectable treatments. Several of these include mention of prescription-only medications, and are described here for information purposes only.
Graceful Ageing
When many people first consider injectable facial treatments they fear that all we can offer is a frozen face and large lips.
Many complex changes occur in the face with ageing and each of these must be considered and treated appropriately in order to give a natural result.
The changes of facial ageing affect:
Fat (small pads of fat lie under the skin and give the face much of its normal shape and contour),
Muscle (different muscles strengthen and weaken over time), and
Bone (the underlying bones of the face change shape over time).
Many of the signs of ageing seen in the face result from loss of volume under the skin in the cheeks and other areas. This causes sagging of the overlying structures and leads to many of the problems described below.
We will prescribe a treatment plan based on all these factors, tailored to gently restore the facial appearance and undo the effects of natural ageing.
Our goal is for strangers in the street to be unaware that you have had any facial treatments and simply to underestimate your age.